In the last weeks we were gifted with a lot of good smiles, greetings, good wishes, nice, soft and sweet commends of pedestrians who could be our deep friends, I assume. The most heard word, when people met our daughter the first time (just with the first view) was “cute”. For sure, she is cute for us - but also for the people which have seen a friendly child an nothing more, only this side of every human being (magic unbelievable gods gift) - but more open, because she is not so much able to cover/save herself.
For everybody who did not realized that befor: Our child is disabled (I would like to say “special”, but I can not find another English word in the dictionary for this). Johanna has the Down-Syndrom or called Trisomie 21 that is a chromosomic abnormal number of gens. She has 47 Chromosomes instead of 46 (like you and me have). This leads mostly to mental disabilities but also to physically disabilities. In Germany this children often are identified already in the early pregnant month. More than 95% of this children are killed as result of this analyze and decision by parents/doctors. All over the world the reaction is the same (with similar or equal reaction), it seems to be independent of religion and culture ( the only difference seems to be if it is an open truth or a secret in the society):
Without knowing a lot about, the parents/doctors and all other involved persons accept or motivate to kill this innocent children. I don’t want to punish someone for that or playing out a moral position.
What will you tell an unprepared person in Beijing (strong one-child-politic), but we met (only 1 person in whole Beijing for 10 days of stay in the city) one boy with DS with his parents. The smile of these parents were very deep and warm to us, I would like to meet YOU in heaven or where ever our future will give us the chance to meet you again. I hope will have a more common language together that time.
What will you tell a poor/uneducated and unsaved woman in Nepal (everage-income is 18 Euro per month), who can not even feed herself, being strongly depended of other hands and “good will” of others and assuming not being able to carry such a strong fate ?
May be, the religious answer could be easy, quite, simple and short, my answer and the answer of my wife is not. I have no word-answer but I can invite you to this homepage to stay beside and to observe. If you are confronted with such news in your surrounding, please give our e-mail-address to that pregnant woman or involved man. Perhaps we are used in the moment of our contact to give later a path through for others. In Germany two weeks ago a couple killed themselves including their disabled child in Duesseldorf, because of being desperate at all about that fate. Even being in Nepal that time, this news touched us strongly. The same time we have been in our world sharing with Johanna, a world, which is different, not easy, but has its special pain but also very deep pleasure and gladness, for example with contacts which I don’t want to miss:
…What is about the almost poor person in one small Village in Tibet, who realized the disability of Johanna and just took out money as present for her (with deep best wishes), we were very much ashamed about this reaction, today I would take the money for her, that day I was not enough open for that, sorry.
… What is about the women in Kathmandu, who were so much touched that she took of her chain from her neck and putting it to Johanna as present. What a nice open and free character.
…What’s about the qualified meeting in Lhasa with the hotel-stuff-family (having a 6-year disabled child). You decide to have one more child to carry the first one together with you thru the life.You took the whole energy (income (medicine, hospital…), special homework and all warm hearts) of the family together (including your actual relatives and a not existing human being, who is needed according to your means and you want to risc/spend this new life motivated by the first one) to carry that first one knowing that the life is open for other aims and reality, presenting all life-results according to your religious confidence… than everything will be well done. I can remember the sad eyes of the woman beside the strong belief in the right deeds. The tension leads you already to such deep and qualified world, that I will not forget your marked faces.
… What’s about our Guide Pountsoek, who just gave his buddhistic arm-chain to Johanna in the first moment, as we told him about Johannas situation. That was his spontan strong reaction to this personal contact. A short time after that, he was looking for a new arm-chain in the shops, because he needs the use of the chain urgend as a tool for praying 108 times "Om mani padme hum” quietly in the streets. After some hours of suffering (he could not find a new chain for himself so quick), he began to observe Johanna and her communication with her surrounding. He started to safe her, to cover her, to keep her away of to much influence. Without being in a father-position he developed to a good guide-father for her.
… What about the (even) crouds of people standing around her, that Johanna has not enough hands to say “Hello”. She only could give both hands to bouth sides and the people touched shortly her hand with short but deep wishes. Never to understand, how warm was this contact. Gods best to all of you !
We met so much people because of Johanna that I can not describe every situation or surrounding. I can only invite you to go beside our child Johanna with this homepage and us (by e-mail in English perhaps ?), we (mostly I assume Irina) try to answer as possible. From some people we know the names (for example Haitau and his friends out of the train to Lhasa, who is able to reach this homepage (normally not possible in China/Tibet)), but from a lot of YOU we have only the face or a word in our mind. Sorry for that, the next life perhaps will lead us together with more direct personal contact-abilities.
Two years as gift of staying beside Johanna we have to take as fate to take new and unknown problems and conditions but also deep contacts and communications. We lost friends and we win friends, the world is different but not worse. Our life is the answer, not our words...
(my report was written very quickly, there are some mistakes for sure, but it is not importent for me this moment)
Auf in die Kulturhauptstadt
vor 1 Woche
1 Kommentar:
Lieber Joseph
Auch wenn ich eigentlich nicht zu den von dir angesprochenen Menschen gehöre, möchte ich dir (euch) danken für eure Offenheit.
Eure Berichte von dieser Reise waren und sind etwas ganz besonderes.
Irina's Blog war der erste Blog in meinem Leben, den ich angeklickt habe. Gefunden habe ich euch über Gabriela!
Es gab eine Anfangszeit in meinem Leben mit unserem Enea, wo ich Mut, Hoffnung und Zuversicht aus den Berichten aus eurem Leben mit Johanna schöpfen durfte. Nun sind meine Schritte fester, selbstständiger geworden und doch lese ich immer wieder gerne bei euch!
Habt Dank.
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